Everything is Part of It
Olivia Warren
Most people have heard the saying, “The devil is in the details." This essentially means that while a thing or idea may seem foolproof in a prospective sense, the importance of the matter lies in minuscule decisions along the way, contributing toward the final vision. While coincidently providing a more positive connotation, the magic is in the details.
One of the many purposes of art is to evoke feeling. Most artists can find meaning and attach emotion to even the smallest things. Every piece creates a puzzle.
An example of this can be found in a style of painting called pointillism. This technique refers to an image created by a large collection of various dots placed in extreme proximity, but not touching. The idea is that if the art piece were observed closely, one could distinguish each dot the painter made - but standing at a distance reveals an entire scene. Each dot may not matter on its own, but multiple dots in conjunction create something wonderful.
We have a particular fondness for our clients who adorn their walls in whimsical displays. You may even work at this Plano location (where we create hundreds of headshots each year), not realizing the thought which went into every corner of your home-away-from-home. Can anyone guess where in Plano PBM might have been when we spotted these gems?
While looking at people, photographers, assistants and just the general public see them as a whole. However, our corporate photography company has an obligation to look at every dot (translating pointillism to portraits) of our clients.
Great photographers and assistants ensure every detail of their portrait client is prestine. This often requires small movements or adjustments which may seem meaningless to whoever is being photographed. Despite any doubts - a tilt of the chin can change the whole shebang! Think of each action as a dot that will serve a much greater purpose when the final picture is viewed. What may not make much sense in the moment become crucial to the end result.
To further the comparison of pointillism and photography, each image is made of pixels. Zooming in on photography, whether it be of hummingbirds or a person's hair, gives a new perspective. Oh, the digital photography world! By making a small shift or changing posture entirely, the integrity of the pixel structure changes as well, and thus the final result is that person on their very best day (with also a tad bit of help from Adobe or Evoto). Whether painting or posing, the final portrait makes the work well worth it.
Just recently, PBMisty hosted a scheduled headshot event for various businesses at the Trammell Crow Center in Dallas. The women in this story will be called J and N for anonymity. Neither J nor N was necessarily ecstatic about posing for the camera - getting a headshot taken is certainly not everyone’s favorite thing to do (though it could be 😉).
Due to their initial discomfort, J and N likely found Misty’s posing requests arbitrary. Many giggles were shared about the general discomfort of distorting one’s body in seemingly unnatural ways, which only increased with each tweak of positioning. Luckily, PBMisty does an excellent job of ensuring clients feel involved and at ease (not to brag or anything).
Each gesture or maneuver in stance was explained and suggested rather than demanded. While a certain pose may look best technically to a photographer, clients may not understand the why ... and may even feel like they are being pranked. When sensing hesitation (or if our requests seem like a bit too much), our team will explain along the way. In addition to our expertise, it is our brand and our passion for people to not only hear, but really listen to, our clients' concerns.
Whether it be individual headshots, team portraits, corporate event photography or even product videography, clients concerns are never dismissed. We may not understand them. However, our job is to lean in, ask questions and address their fears, their questions and their concerns with expert advise and actions. Our years of experience and training make us experts (with always more to learn) in not just lighting and photography science, but also in human needs.
Now back to our regular programming ....
After the headshots were taken, J and N reviewed Misty’s work on the tethering software. Very quickly, it became apparent to both J and N how drastically something like a ‘tiny step to the left’ could alter the overall appearance of the final image. It just goes to show that even the most microscopic of actions can make a world of difference.
Though we've never dived in to the data, we are confident those finely tuned headshots translate to LinkedIn profiles which attract potential employers.
While "It's the little things that make the biggest difference" may seem like just a cliche, the smallest elements are not pointless.
Whether it's a portrait, a business meeting or your interaction with a stranger, relax and remember life may be uncomfortable at times. However, the yielded outcome will give magic to the moment.
As always, ask questions! Chances are there’s a reason. When J and N asked Misty about posing and were met with visual results - the intention behind each request became comprehensible. Anything can be confusing when it’s new!
Hopefully, this blog helped explain some of the why behind headshot photography. Art is more intentional than many may think! Book below to get this party started and become a part of it.
We are not the only game in town - do your homework first. Then, give us a call.