In the past year, our team and client lists have been expanding. Growth does not come without a price tag. It is, however, strategically well-spent money.
We have expanded our arsenal of backdrops and stands. A minuscule budget covers these expenses. Then there are lights and tripods. In this case, you get what you pay for in quality. Oftentimes, our clients comment on our equipment, “ Wow, that’s a really nice flash.” Well, yes, we count on reliable equipment. It’s our job, we better be bringing the best of the best. We have found it is better to buy the best, enabling us to use it for decades.
While quality reigns, at Photography by Misty we also do not have to have the latest and greatest (though when it comes to cameras and lenses, yes). We’ve had a set of Alien Bees for more than 16 years. Once at a corporate branding shoot in Irving, an engineer passed by commenting on my wagon full of antiquated equipment, “Using some really old technology there.” I politely smiled, keeping my thoughts to myself.
Cameras and lenses are a completely different ballgame. While we did not jump on the digital bandwagon immediately (we like to give new technology a year or two to work out the kinks), when we take the plunge, only the best will do. Canon is our company for lenses and camera bodies. Each of our camera bags houses a Canon Mark series camera or the mirrorless R6. While we have wide-angle lenses, micro lenses, and a whimsical lens ( an unnecessary early 2020 purchase when I thought life was grand), the lenses which go with us on every shoot are an L series, 24-70mm and a 70-200mm. They serve us very well and since we do buy only the best glass, the two lenses add enough weight, this minimum pack still saves our backs. Equipping each bag is close to a $10,000 endeavor.
To save a few dollars without sacrificing quality, I do my best to source refurbished cameras and lenses. This has never disappointed me. If the description had not mentioned refurbishment, I would have never known. Each piece I have ever ordered has come packaged like a Christmas present, and I have never had to return a camera or a lens.
Honestly, it’s always disappointing when I cannot find factory-refurbished equipment. There are bargains out there (usually), you just have to know where to find them.
On another note, if you’re a hobbyist looking for a great source or want advice on equipment, feel free to give me a call 214.235.3239.